Preface by
Karoline Beltinger / Jilleen Nadolny, Texts by
Karoline Beltinger:
The Pereira tempera system,
Sandro Baroni / Simona Rinaldi / Maite Rossi:
Tempera paints in Italy in the first half of the 20th century, with a special focus on ‘Tempera grassa’ by Maimeri, Patrick Dietemann / Wibke Neugebauer / Ursula Baumer / Irene Fiedler / Cedric Beil / Andrea Obermeier / Stephan Schäfer / Stefan Zumbühl:
Analysis of complex tempera binding media combining chromatographic techniques, fluorescent staining for proteins and FTIR-FPAiImaging, Ester S. B. Ferreira / Karin Wyss / Violaine de Villemereuil / Karoline Beltinger / Federica Marone / Nadim C. Scherrer / Stefan Zumbühl:
The role of reconstructions in the identification of a wax/resin/gum tempera binder developed by Hermann Urban in 1901 and used by Cuno Amiet in 1902, Kathrin Kinseher:
Ernst Berger and his role in the Munich tempera controversy, Wibke Neugebauer:
Layered and alla prima: some examples of tempera painting techniques, 1850–1914, Giuseppina Perusini / Teresa Perusini:
The use of tempera by painters and restorers in Italy and Latin Europe, c. 1800–1870, Albrecht Pohlmann:
Photographic layer and paint layer: approaches to tempera beyond tradition, Albrecht Pohlmann / Kathrin Kinseher / Wibke Neugebauer / Eva Reinkowski-Häfner / Simona Rinaldi:
A tabulated listing of industrially produced tempera paints, c. 1900, Eva Reinkowski-Häfner:
Tempera: on the history of a technical term; From Wall to Canvas. The role of tempera in the development of mural and easel painting in Germany in the 19thcCentury, Paola Travaglio:
Evidence for wax tempera binding media in Italian technical literature of the first half of the 20th century
KUNSTmaterial, Bd. 4, 22 x 28 cm, 262 Seiten, 160 meist farbige Abbildungen, diverse Grafiken, ca. 35 Seiten Tabellen, Kartonband, CHF 80.- / € 80.-, Zürich: SIK-ISEA / London: Archetype Publications, 2016
Buchrezension AIC Journal 2017
Forschungsprojekt Analyse von Temperafarben aus der Zeit um 1900